Saturday, April 17, 2010

The shed gets an update

April has been really busy at work and at home. The most dramatic changes have been a garden spruce up from Mariann - much weeding, carpet and wet newspaper laying, and bark-nugget covering took place. Plus, the cutty-grass toi-toi was confined to  green waste at the dump - no more cut ankles as I walk past.
It looks very good, particularly when compared to photos of six months ago, the growth has been phenomenal. The great hope is that weeds will be minimal for a while.

And then Jack and Alice have painted the shed. I am really delighted - it just looks so smart and will now disperse Kapiti downpours with a lot more ease.


  1. wow
    what a transformation. Great colour. The shed looks a million dollars

  2. great it looks fantastic.
    cant wait to stay next.
