Thursday, July 15, 2010

I'm just sayin'

Fun day just talking to people, over lunch and especially the afternoon tea at Maranui Cafe in Lyall Bay - just six of us drinking coffee and eating string fries. Fortunately common sense prevailed and it was restored after the fire and in the restoration they have added a very effective and decorative baffle in the ceiling and we could all hear ourselves speak. And yes, I did get a little bit of work done as well, with the last thing of the day, at DOC, a happy feeling created by packing away all the new printing. WAC huts is now available for sale at $30 a copy if any one is interested.
At home on the phone I plotted and planned with a client how best to present her next book - it is always so much easier to actually talk to someone. I'm a big fan of emails, and blogs and so on, but talking - either face to face or on the phone - is easier for me usually, and allows me to hear how the other person is feeling, making problem solving a positive thing.